DX Beef

Thiyóšpaye (n) - Lakȟóta
a clan-like division of a tribe; extended family; community

Hello, and thanks for stopping by DX Beef. You’re now a part of our thiyóšpaye, and you’re welcome any time. My name is Kelsey and I’m the owner of DX Beef. More importantly, I’m a steward of the land and its communities. And that role has taught me that when you can help, you should; which is how DX Beef came to be.

I hope that DX Beef can help to feed communities, cultures, economies, & ecosystems. I look forward to sharing the story of DX Beef, and I hope that you’ll join me in our mission to mend our food system and grow our thiyóšpaye larger.


DX Beef envisions culture, community, & confidence.

The culture, tradition, and story of our industry should be affixed alongside that of our food. A passion to help consumers reconnect with their food source is what drives DX Beef. Consumers have the opportunity to be as connected to their food source as desired. We hope to offer an insight in where our beef is raised, who has cared for the animals, how our beef gets from pasture to plate, and the Lakota culture that carries DX Beef through every step of the process.

Our Home

Located on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, the DX Ranch is home to DX Beef. Surrounded by the vast prairie of nature, culture, and opportunity, DX Beef wants to connect consumers with the landscape that the Lakota stewards have maintained for millennia. Our hope is to give back to the communities of the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in the regenerative manner that our ancestors gave back to the land. Eventually, we will do this through the Beef Relief Fund, but for now, we’re doing it through our unique partnership and support of Project H3LP!.

Learn more by contacting Kelsey with your questions about the Beef Relief Fund & Project H3LP!